FREE ebook Guide

Heal your Trauma to Improve your Relationship

    Learn 4 Strategies to Regulate your Nervous System and Stay Calm in Conflict

    In this free eBook, you'll learn:

    • Why you go 0 to 100 in arguments
    • Practical ways to calm yourself down
    • Communication tools so disagreements stop turning into blow outs
    • How to heal your inner child and take care of “little you”

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    "This is sooo good and comprehensive!"

    "I LOVED the how-to guide...the information was laid out in a really readable way."

    What you get:

    Four reflection prompts to help you understand what's going on in your body when you feel angry and triggered in an argument.

    Four practical application exercises to use in the midst of conflict to help resolve the issues at hand.

    What is it all about?

    You really care about your partner and you want your relationship to work, but sometimes arguments gets so heated and you wonder if it's just not the right relationship for you, or if there's something you can do to manage conflict better.

    The way you react in arguments is likely not just about your partner, but actually connected to experiences in your past and how your nervous system has been "programmed" to respond.

    When you can use new skills to regulate your nervous system in heated moments, and heal the pain of your past, you have a better shot at experiencing the kind of connection you crave in your current relationship.

    Let me show you how! Download the how-to-guide today.